Estudio ecocardiográfico de la función ventricular izquierda en pacientes de 70 años y más con enfermedad renal crónica en régimen dialítico. Hospital Universitario: “Calixto García”. 2012-2015.
Introduction: His cardiovascular illness constitutes important comorbidity in patient with Chronic Renal Illness and at the same time, it is its main cause of death. The number has been increased of patient in régime dialytic, which usually have cardiovascular alterations.
Objective: Characterize echocardiographically the function ventricular left in the patients with same patients 70 years and over age with illness renal chronicle in régime dialítico
Method: Study observational, descriptive of traverse court.
Results: Participated in the investigation 31 patients. The feminine sex prevailed (58, 1%) and the group of 70 to 75 years (77, 4%). Arterial hypertension was the main factor of cardiovascular risk (71%). In the pattern of function diastolic there was prevalence of the lingering relaxation (64,5%), and any patient was not with normal pattern. The hypertrophy ventricular left was detected in 74, 2% and the systolic dysfunction it was present in 18 patients (58%).
Conclusion: The echocardiographic findings found in the 70 year-old patients and more with illness renal chronicle in régime dialytic were the hypertrophy ventricular left, the dysfunction diastolic (lingering relaxation) and the systolic dysfunction.
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