Syndrome of burning mouth, diagnostic upgrade and therapy


  • Yamila Lescay Mevil Centro de Investigaciones sobre: “Envejecimiento, Longevidad y Salud”
  • Clelia Rosa Bonnin Fernández Centro de Investigaciones sobre: “Envejecimiento, Longevidad y Salud”
  • Julia Alejandra Matos Canales Centro de Investigaciones sobre: “Envejecimiento, Longevidad y Salud”
  • Maite Villavicencio Chacón Centro de Investigaciones sobre: “Envejecimiento, Longevidad y Salud”
  • José Rolando Bea García Centro de Investigaciones sobre: “Envejecimiento, Longevidad y Salud”


Syndrome of Burning Mouth, glosopirosis, estomatodinia, estomatopirosis, mucous oral, causal factors, treatment


Introduction: The syndrome of burning mouth is a pathological entity characterized by the presence of chronic symptoms of ardor or pain in the mucous one buccal clinically normal.
Objective: To carry out a bibliographical revision on the syndrome of burning mouth in which their main causal factors and treatment are exposed.
Method: An up-to-date revision was elaborated on on the syndrome of burning mouth (SBA) with its main causal factors and treatment using electronic bibliography in diverse magazines and books of Odontogeriatry and gerontology in electronic places as scielo among others.
Conclusions: Establishing a correct diagnosis of SBA the first step is to explain to the patient on what it consists. Any treatment that can assure positive results for all the patients of SBA for what each case should be individualized doesn't exist.


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How to Cite

Lescay Mevil Y, Bonnin Fernández CR, Matos Canales JA, Villavicencio Chacón M, Bea García JR. Syndrome of burning mouth, diagnostic upgrade and therapy . GeroInfo [Internet]. 2025 Feb. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];14. Available from:



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