Application of the taxonomy NANDA, NOC AND NIC in Acute confusional syndrome
acute confusional syndrome, elderlyAbstract
We present a clinical case of acute confusional syndrome, in one 80-year-old patient entered into the service of geriatric assessment, the Research Center on longevity, aging and health. August 2017
The nursing interventions will be aimed at the action before the state of agitation, disorientation and aggression, the patient, possible complications that may occur, as well as emotional support and health education to them to the family. Enclosed NANDA nursing diagnoses, NIC interventions, objectives of result NOC
and the interrelationship between them.
The interrelationships between the diagnostic NANDA, the NOC results criteria and the NIC interventions, are nothing more than the relationship between the problem, real or potential, that we have detected in the patient and the aspects of this problem which is tried or await solve by means of one or several interventions nurses where one or more activities necessary for the resolution of the problem will also appear. NANDA: International taxonomy of nursing diagnoses, NOC: Nursing Outcomes. Classification, NIC: Nursing Interventions Classification
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