Oral diseases and oral health self-perception of elderly persons in Sancti Spíritus between 2018-2019


  • Irma Castro Gutiérrez Centro de Investigaciones sobre: “Envejecimiento, Longevidad y Salud”
  • Ileana María Yero Mier Centro de Investigaciones sobre: “Envejecimiento, Longevidad y Salud”
  • Lilián Vilvey Pardillo Centro de Investigaciones sobre: “Envejecimiento, Longevidad y Salud”
  • Ismaray Pérez Candelario Centro de Investigaciones sobre: “Envejecimiento, Longevidad y Salud”
  • Yanet Pérez Muro Centro de Investigaciones sobre: “Envejecimiento, Longevidad y Salud”
  • Liuver Ramírez Ramírez Centro de Investigaciones sobre: “Envejecimiento, Longevidad y Salud”


oral diseases, elderly, oral health, risk factors, GOHAI


Introduction: In the elderly which the health needs are increasingly increasing.
Objective: To determine the oral health of older adults in CMF 2 in the central area of the Sancti Spíritus municipality.
Methods: A descriptive observational cross-sectional study was carried out; the sample was made up of 79 patients from a simple random probability sampling. Variables such as age, sex, oral diseases, risk factors and self-perception of oral health were studied.
Results: female sex predominated with 57 %, masticatory dysfunction appeared in 60,8 % of the patients, followed by periodontopathies in 46,8 %, poor oral hygiene was the risk factor of greatest appearance for 51,9 %, having a low self-perception of oral health in 55,7 % of older adults.
Conclusions: Most of the older adults presented oral conditions such as masticatory dysfunction and periodontal disease. Poor oral hygiene prevailed as a risk factor and low self-perception of oral health.


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How to Cite

Castro Gutiérrez I, Yero Mier IM, Vilvey Pardillo L, Pérez Candelario I, Pérez Muro Y, Ramírez Ramírez L. Oral diseases and oral health self-perception of elderly persons in Sancti Spíritus between 2018-2019 . GeroInfo [Internet]. 2025 Feb. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];15. Available from: https://revgeroinfo.sld.cu/index.php/gerf/article/view/10



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