Acute infarction of the myocardium without elevation of ST in elderly
Acute infarction of the myocardium without elevation of ST, thrombolysisAbstract
Introduction: The same as developed many countries, in the last century, the developing countries are being witnesses of an alarming increment and hurried in the rates of cardiovascular illness, where acute infarction of the myocardium plays an important role. At the moment, it constitutes the first cause of death in all the regions of the world.
Objective: To characterize the behavior of acute infarction of the myocardium with elevation of ST, in patient the 65 years or older hospitalized in coronary cares of the hospital Calixto Garcia, from January 2020 until July 2020, period in that our country and the world is being whipped by the pandemic of COVID 19.
Method: We study observational, descriptive of traverse court. The sample was constituted by 32 patients. Demographic variables were studied: age and sex, factors of cardiovascular risk and pathological personal antecedents: HTA, diabetes mellitus (DMK), dislipidemia, habit of smoking, obesity, consumption of alcoholic drinks, EPOC, psychiatric dysfunctions and thyroid illness.
Results: They participated in the investigation 32 patients. With same sex prevalence. The group predominant was of 65-70 years (46,9 %). 37,5 % received thrombolysis of them 66,5 % it was successful. The heart attack of inferior face prevailed. The coexistence of 2 factors of risk (28,1 %) prevailed. The deceased represented 9,4 % of the studied sample.
Conclusions: 46,9 % of the studied cases was understood in 65 - 70 years of age. I prevail the heart attack of inferior face. Alone 37 % received thrombolysis and 66,5 % it was successful.
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