The measurement of quality in a geriatric care service in Cuba.


  • Gema Selema de la Morena Centro de Investigaciones sobre: “Envejecimiento, Longevidad y Salud”
  • Mercedes Rojas González Centro de Investigaciones sobre: “Envejecimiento, Longevidad y Salud”


Quality, Patient satisfaction, Geriatric Care Service


The measurement of hospital quality and client satisfaction is two aspects deeply related to the same phenomenon: the need to improve the quality of health services and to provide confidence in this quality to our patients. This topic can be very sensitive and difficult for institutions of attention to the elderly, for which the present investigation was developed with the purpose of evaluating the quality of the care given in the Service of Evaluation and Geriatric Intervention of the CITED. The application of this instrument was an important tool that generated reliable information and allowed the Management to make decisions to continue working and allow us to obtain an excellent service.


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How to Cite

de la Morena GS, Rojas González M. The measurement of quality in a geriatric care service in Cuba. GeroInfo [Internet]. 2025 Feb. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];14. Available from:



Artículo de Investigación