Witness of Jehová and emergent transfusion
elderly, witnesses of jehová, transfusionAbstract
Witnesses of Jehová are approximately seven million members in 270 countries that he/she has left increasing in the XXI century, being a religious important force in the world. Its negative to accept the transfusion is based on a strict interpretation of biblical several passages, where the prohibition of the consumption of blood is not a dietary simple restriction but a moral serious requirement. The medicine transfusion became a habitual resource providing support to numerous branches of the clinical and surgical medicine, ending up reaching a bigger demand nowadays that it overcomes with a lot to the offer, but frequently accompanied by an insufficient valuation of the benefits and risks it Constitutes an essential objective for the authors, to expose the existent relationship from the ethical point of view, doctor and legal of patient with approaches of emergent transfusion that belong to this religion, exemplified by means of the presentation of a case. Every time is more frequent than patient belonging to this religion, being based on the principle
of the bioethics autonomy, require of a transfusion like saving measure, and they refuse to receive it. It is a luck for the professionals of the health of our country, to have legal help for the use of blood and their derived, whenever we consider it an indispensable act to safeguard the life.
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