Valoración Geriátrica Integral como componente básico en la aplicación del método clínico en adultos mayores
clinical method, comprehensive geriatric assessment, population agingAbstract
The clinical method has its origin in the humanity's beginnings and it constitutes the most important element in the realization of the diagnosis in our profession; all medical professional should have the same conceptual formation of Medicine, but his/her work will depend on the specialty practices. The health care of elderly people differs from the methods that habitually are used when assisting a patient of other ages, for that reason the comprehensive geriatric assessment is used to determine their health problem, representing the application of the clinical method in its most comprehensive dimension in this population group that is in continuous increase. In the present work it’s explained how the comprehensive geriatric assessment, completes the different steps of the clinical method, confirming the importance of it, just facilitating the indication of the necessary diagnostic means, allowing to avoid the possible complications that they can cause, if they are used indiscriminately.
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