Tumor del estroma gastrointestinal (GIST) en adulto mayor de 63 años


  • Orlando Mesa Izquierdo
  • Horlirio Ferrer Robaina
  • Asbel Díaz Fonseca
  • Humberto Gámez Oliva
  • Gelvy Travieso Peña


GIST (Gastrointestinal Stromac Tumors)


Gastrointestinal Stromac Tumors are the most frequently mesenquimatics tumors of muscular origin considered by Golden and Stout. They received names like leiomioma, cellular leiomioma, epitelioide leiomioma, leiomioblastoma and leiomiosarcoma. Nowadays, GISTs are known as the mesenquimals tumors CD117 positives, fusiform or epitelioides, primary tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, epiplon, mesenterioum and retroperitoneum. The GISTs appears in the wall of the digestive tube: stomach (50-60 percent), small intestine (20-30 percent), large intestine (10 percent) and esophagus (5 percent) and occasionally in epiplon, mesenterioum and retroperitoneum (5 percent). This is a 63 year-old patient who came into the hospital with a painful tumor in the epigastrium. On the physical examination a painful and movible tumural mass was palpated in the epigastrium and in the right hypochondrium. Some tests were performed such as an ultrasound, an abdomical TAC, esophagusgastroduedenoscopy and laparoscopy. The result was a tumor of the anterior face of the stomach of approximately 15 cm with exofitic growth . A subtotal gastrectomy was carried out and the definitive results of pathological anatomy showed a fusocelullar tumor of the gastrointestinal estroma (GIST) of low potential and aggressive behavior of the gastric wall. The side of the tumor was 15cm. Mitotic index of 1 mitosis per 50 HPF with positive Inmunohistochemestry for CD117, CD34, in this moment he is in remission, with a favorable evolution


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How to Cite

Mesa Izquierdo O, Ferrer Robaina H, Díaz Fonseca A, Gámez Oliva H, Travieso Peña G. Tumor del estroma gastrointestinal (GIST) en adulto mayor de 63 años . GeroInfo [Internet]. 2011 Jul. 12 [cited 2025 Mar. 16];6. Available from: https://revgeroinfo.sld.cu/index.php/gerf/article/view/163



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