Afectación biomédica según la escala geriátrica de evaluación funcional (EGEF) en adultos mayores del consejo popular «Los Sitios», Municipio Centro Habana.


  • Juan Francisco Castanedo Granda
  • Alina María González Moro
  • Liliams Rodríguez Rivera


Functional evaluation, comprehensive geriatric assessment, Aged, Community


The results of a descriptive traverse investigation are presented carried out in the Popular Council "The Places" Municipality I Center Havana with the objective of describing the Functional State of a group of old men assisted in consultation of Evaluation Geriátrica of the mentioned area and their biomedical affectation according to these results, during the understood period of April of the 2009 to the month of March of the 2010. The sample was conformed by 598 people, 433 belonging to the Feminine Sex (72,4%) and 165 to the masculine one (27,6%) with an age 74,8 year-old average. The general data of the assisted patients were picked up specifying Age, Sex as well as the results of the Scale Geriátrica of Functional Evaluation (EGEF). The data were processed meetly for technical of calculation with the aid of the systems FoxBase 2.0, EPI 6, SPSSPC 3.1+, and Harvard 2.3. being that the problems related with the vision, balance, and use of drugs they constituted the dysfunctions with higher prevalence, those that were appropriate with reports of the literature. Differences were not evidenced statistically significant with relationship to the sex. 


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How to Cite

Castanedo Granda JF, González Moro AM, Rodríguez Rivera L. Afectación biomédica según la escala geriátrica de evaluación funcional (EGEF) en adultos mayores del consejo popular «Los Sitios», Municipio Centro Habana. . GeroInfo [Internet]. 2011 Jul. 12 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];6. Available from:



Artículo de Investigación