The falls “giant of the Geriatrics¨ a challenge to the systems of health of the world
falls, elderly, predisposes factors, instruments assessment of the risk falls, action protocolsAbstract
Introduction: The population aging not alone it affects the elderly, but also to youngest people and it influences in economic, social and family aspects. The mature biggest population's mental and physical deterioration, the reduction of the labor active life and an increment in the demand of attendance and services of health are some from the challenges to those that was faces the systems of health from all over the world
Objective: for the one harnessed alarming increment of fallen in the old men as well as the incidence of problems of health related with them is carried out a bibliographical revision in the online different database to identify the main causes, instruments of valuation of the risk of falls and strategies of prevention.
Results: were identified as main factors of risk: the antecedents of fallen, the visual alterations, the dysfunctions of the march, the multi Pharmacia and the incorrect use of medications, also as the potential most frequent risks in the home: the presence of slipping and irregular floors, bathrooms dangerous and insufficient illumination.
Conclusions: the studies are in favor of the use of performance protocols, evaluation of risk through instruments of valuation and interventions multifactorial (valuation and reduction of predisposes factors and of risks of falls). The opposing newest and novel focus is the protection from the vulnerable areas to fractures and damages with the use of protective of hips.
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